Many of us make or have made the subconscious choice to be a victim of circumstance which inevitably leads to feeling out of control in our lives. We say things like "have to", "should", etc. because we feel like victims. April 5ths interview with Carmen will teach us about recognizing our self-inflicted victimization and will lead us to a new path of choice, responsibility, and personal power. If you are ready to take charge of your life, I recommend you take the time to listen to the show!!!!
Don't forget to tune in on April 5th at 9 am on KNCE.
Once we make the choice to take 100% responsibility for our thoughts, perceptions, and actions, we can utilize the Mindset Change Cycle (shown below) created by Carmen to create positive and lasting changes in our lives.
Mindset Change Cycle
STEP 1: Pay Attention
This step is about paying attention to thoughts, feelings, beliefs and
actions. Before any changes can be made an inventory of the current
situation is crucial. Journal, jot down notes or do whatever it takes
to bring these things into awareness.
Spend 2 days journaling. Keep a list of thoughts, feelings, and
experiences. Be an observer of your life and document what you
STEP 2: Evaluate
your thoughts, feelings, beliefs and actions. This step requires a nonjudgmental
frame of mind. Simply evaluate the situation and take
note of what you don't like.
Look back at Step 1 and use these questions to help you evaluate
what you wrote down.
Are there any themes?
What is your most prevalent emotion?
What is your most common thought?
Do you like your thoughts? Why or Why not?
Do you like the way you were feeling? Why or Why not?
Do you like what you experienced? Why or Why not?
STEP 3: Make Changes
and choose new ones. Identify how you would rather feel, think and
believe. You have the power to control your thoughts. Identify what
empowers you!
Additionally, Write down what you would like to change and why.
Also include how you will feel when these changes are made and
describe your desired outcome.
STEP 4: Reinforce Changes
mantras and visualizations. Create new pathways in your brain to
your new thoughts, feelings, beliefs and actions by consciously
making them real in your mind.
Write down your visualization and include as many details as
possible. What will it look like and feel like when you achieve your
desired results.
Create a one sentence mantra/affirmation that reminds you of your
visualization. Then use this mantra/affirmation to empower you whenever you feel defeated.

You can contact Carmen Parks at
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