Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Angie's 5 Rs for a Healthy Body and Planet!

On March 1st at 9 am on 93.5 Taos and trutaosradio.com, we aired a show titled, "Healthy Body, Healthy Planet" and featured Angie Fernandez, 'Creative Wellness Specialist', to talk about what we can do as individuals to support our personal wellness, while at the same time supporting the health of our planet.  We have outlined Angie's tips below.

                                                        Ways to Reduce

1. Make things from scratch instead of purchasing them pre-made in a container.  A great example of this is Salsa.  It takes 5 minutes to make and saves big in terms of the fossil fuels used to make and ship the container.  It also saves you from ingesting preservatives and additives.
2. Buy things you use a lot of in bulk.  Toilet paper in bulk that is double rolled is a great example of this because it saves on packaging.
3. Use less soap, less laundry detergent, less toothpaste, less shampoo, less toilet paper-- Less is more!
4. Bring your own re-usable grocery bags with you to the store.
5. Buy locally produced food and products.  The Reduction in Fossil Fuels is great and the available nutrition is far superior-- not to mention, it supports your local economy.
6. Instead of buying presents for loved ones at the holidays, make things- create experiences for them.  This not only leads to less waste but also creates bonding and deeper appreciation.

Ways to Re-Use
1. Use old T-shirts instead of paper towels.
2. Re-use food jars for other things such as a water cup or to-go coffee container.
3. Re-use the bulk food bags from the grocery store as well as bread bags and other packaging.

Recycling is great and we are lucky to have the option although Reducing and Re-using should be considered before we recycle because recycling requires energy and fossil fuels.  Check with your local recycling center to learn about recycling options in your area.

How to Rethink
Ask yourself the following questions when purchasing:
1. Do you really need it or do you want it?
2.Can you borrow it from a friend?
3. Can you buy it second hand?
4. Can you purchase it from a local business?
5. When purchasing food, cleaning products, and body products, read the ingredients. Do you know what every ingredient is?  If not, reconsider and look for a product that is as close to nature as possible.

When you are out to eat, you can refuse extra napkins and straws.  When ordering something to go, you can refuse plastic ware, unneeded condiments, and a bag.  If you don't need it, refuse it!

It is important to remember that the goal is progress, not perfection.  Taking one step at a time and doing one thing better makes all of the difference.  When we strive for perfection and push ourselves too hard, we are more likely to give up completely and are far less likely to even begin our journey.

About the Interviewee:
Angie Fernandez, Creative Wellness Specialist

About Me:

My name is Melissa McNulty and I am the host of the show. I am a certified Mind/Body wellness Practitioner, nationally certified hypnotherapist, life coach, and nutrition coach with a degree in mind/body transformational psychology.  I have a practice in Taos called Taos Hypnotherapy where I specialize in helping people transcend their anxieties and fears so they can reach their own ultimate potential and live the lives they truly desire.   taoshypnotherapy.com  I am a lifelong student of Wellness and am excited to share my discoveries with you on this show.  You can tune into “The It’s all Good Radio Hour” every First Wednesday of the Month from 9-10 am.  You can catch the next show on Wednesday, April 5th on 93.5 KNCE Taos or stream it live at truetaosradio.com

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Supporting the Inner Physician: An overview of Flower Essences, Homeopathy, Herbs, and Pharmaceuticals.

Today I interviewed Robin Cunningham of Wholistic Alternatives about supporting our Inner Physician through utilizing Flower Essences, Homeopathy, Herbs, and Pharmaceuticals.  We learned the basics of all four as well as when and how to use them synergistically to meet our individual needs.

This blog serves as an overview of the interview as well as a supplement to information we did not have time to discuss on the show.

Show Highlights and Notes:

Taking a Holistic Approach is important because it looks at the entire being- at all its physical, emotional, and spiritual attributes as well as how it interacts with and responds to its environment.  All of this is important for true healing.

Flower Essences, Homeopathy, Herbs, and Pharmaceuticals all have their place and can be used as integrative medicine to reach optimal well-being.

Flower Essences and Homeopathy are Energetic Medicines and are the least invasive to the body.  In cases of non-life threatening illness, it is a good idea to utilize them first so as to have the least negative effect on your overall well-being.

Flower Essences address very specific emotional energetics in the body.  Physical ailments are often caused by emotional and mental states so it is a good place to start regardless of the issue (unless it is acute and life threatening).  It is best to get a friend or practitioner to help you answer questions about yourself in choosing the right remedy.  Click Here for a great guide to choosing the right essence.  Do not take more than 5-7 essences at one time.
Recommended Brands: Bach Remedies, FES Society, Blue Turtle, Australian Bush Essences.  Anything made on your continent or in your area will work better for physical issues.

Homeopathy is energy medicine.  It works with super-diluted substances (often poisons) that at full dilution would create the same symptoms the patient is exuding.  By diluting these poisons and substances past the point where there is any chemical left, it creates an energetic signature.  When a person is ill or off balance, their inner physician starts to speak up and this manifests itself through exuding symptoms.  When these symptoms are matched energetically through a homeopathic remedy being introduced to the body, the inner physician knows it has been heard and the body then begins to heal.  This is the opposite of suppression.
When utilizing homeopathy, symptoms should subside in 3-5 doses.  Each dose is to be taken 30 minutes- 3 hours apart.  If there is no improvement after 5 doses, it is the wrong remedy.  If symptoms change, it means the remedy is probably working- simply change remedy to support the new symptoms.
Obtaining a Low Potency Emergency Kit is a good idea. Click here for a recommended 30 C emergency kit. You can generally find kits at your local health food or herb store.

Herbs work with the body on a physical level and are the foundations of most pharmaceuticals.  Herbs are tangible medicine in that you ingest a material dose.  Herbs are synergistic- they work with the whole body and generally have multiple uses.  There is a whole universe within each plant and this universe works synergistically with the mind, body, and spirit to facilitate healing.
Robin Recommends the Following Herbs for your home herbal pharmacy:
Osha, White Willow, Arnica and Calendula Salves, Usnea, Slippery Elm, and Goldenseal (should be used in moderation because it is endangered).

Pharmaceuticals key in on one specific chemical agent from a plant.  They can be very effective in treating or suppressing a specific symptom but lack the other synergistic components of healing that are important.  For example: Goldenseal as a whole plant can be used as a powerful antibiotic and it also supports the liver as well as killing fungus and yeast- this plant supports the entire body in the process of healing whereas pharmaceutical antibiotics work to kill bacteria but can damage the liver and often lead to yeast infections.  In life threatening situations, pharmaceuticals can save lives and are incredibly effective.  For more minor issues, they are often the wrong choice.  As we learned through homeopathy, symptoms are our body's way of telling us something.  If our inner physician does not feel heard and is simply suppressed, the illness we are working to eradicate will be suppressed even deeper into the body, leading to more serious issues in the future.

Interviewee Contact Information:
Robin Cunningham of Wholistic Alternatives

About Me:

My name is Melissa McNulty and I am the host of this show. I am a certified Mind/Body wellness Practitioner, nationally certified hypnotherapist, life coach, and nutrition coach with a degree in mind/body transformational psychology.  I have a practice in Taos called Taos Hypnotherapy where I specialize in helping people transcend their anxieties and fears so they can reach their own ultimate potential and live the lives they truly desire.   taoshypnotherapy.com  I am a lifelong student of Wellness and am excited to share my discoveries with you on this show.  You can tune into “The It’s all Good Radio Hour” every First Wednesday of the Month from 9-10 am.  You can catch the next show on Wednesday, March 1st on 93.5 KNCE Taos or stream it live on truetaosradio.com